For Registration related queries please write to (or) call +91 124 4636 711 between 10:00 Hrs – 18:00 Hrs IST (Monday to Friday)
For Accommodation related queries please write to (or) call +91 124 4636 721 between 10:00 Hrs – 18:00 Hrs IST (Monday to Friday)
For Visa related queries please write to (or) call +91 40 6598 7803 between 10:00 Hrs – 18:00 Hrs IST (Monday to Friday)
For Tour related queries please write to (or) call +91 40 6598 7803 between 10:00 Hrs – 17:00 Hrs IST (Monday to Friday)
For General queries please write to (or) call +91 40 6598 7803 between 10:00 Hrs – 17:00 Hrs IST (Monday to Friday)
This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXXI Congress at Hyderabad in 2017. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.